- Modern Events Made Clear by Prophecy -
And all there, they was looking for that type of a man. They wanted a general. Like a whole lot like our denominations of today, our denominations are looking for a superman. Our nation is looking for a superman. Russia is looking for a superman. The eastern world is looking for one. The UN is looking for one. The churches are looking for one. But what kind of a one are they looking for? Russia is looking for a messiah that’s anointed with—with brains that he knows how to conquer outer space for them, beat everybody to the moon. They want to conquer the world.
63-1127 — The World Is Again Falling Apart Rev. William Marrion Branham
Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.
The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.
CAB-09 — 9 - The Laodicean Church Age
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Furthermore, the elect will not only be kept, but as this move becomes the “IMAGE ERECTED TO THE BEAST,” the saints will be gone in the rapture. And this little delightful, winsome movement that started out in fellowship at Ephesus will become the monster of Satan that defiles and deceives the whole world. For the church system of the Roman Catholic and the Protestant in coming together will control the whole wealth of the world system and force the whole earth into its religious trap, or will kill them, by refusing them the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would make a living. This will be accomplished simply, for the harlot’s daughters are all but gone back to her. In the meantime, Rome has acquired nearly all the supplies of gold. The Jews have the bonds and all the paper. At the right time, the harlot will destroy the present day money system by calling in all the paper, and demanding gold. With no gold, the system falls. The Jews will be trapped and come into the alliance, and the harlot church will take over the whole world.
CAB-08 — 8 - The Philadelphian Church Age Rev. William Marrion Branham